I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you for supporting my artwork to help Jesus heal hearts!
Become a Monthly Supporter to get:
First 50 Supporters (instead of annual like I say in the video):
Hey y'all! 🤗 Thank you for being the first supporters on Launch Day!! 🎉
I mention in the Intro video that annual subscribers get a Welcome Pack...well you might have realized there's no option to be an annual subscriber 🙈🫠
Well I just learned that I can't offer an annual subscription until this page reaches 50 supporters! So I am going to change things slightly...
The first 50 supporters will receive a Welcome Pack! Woo! So make sure you become a supporter (at $10/month), update your mailing address, and expect your pack in a few weeks!
Thanks for supporting me you guys, I really appreciate it 🥰